Monday, March 7, 2011

Silly Acrostic Poetry


enjoyed this weekend with several of my colleagues of the presence, wisdom and work with the breath which Platteel Tilke-Deur.
I have the certainty that when you let go intuition, it always leads you to what is most suitable for you at all times.
has been an intense weekend, full of personal and professional experiences. We were all there with the intention to expand our professional knowledge. Upon arrival we received the notes, yet she wanted to write from a very simple would explain, but Tilke is straightforward and is convinced that the best way to learn is by doing, so we quickly got to work.
conscious breathing, awareness, awareness, being present in the body, talk to all the voices inside each one of us and think were all one. The hours went by without hardly noticing. Tilke has the great ability to take you to the depths of Being in a warm and yet firm. Supported us to feel the body to connect to our potential as human beings and as professionals in breathing.
I personally thank you for the meditation on Sunday. He took me to a peaceful state of soil rarely experience. I have decided that every time you want to remember this moment, I will think in time I felt like God spoke to me.
was a magic moment where I felt so much energy inside me that could not tears. I try to put words to what I felt, but I think it's hard to explain.
A-level Post-graduate course, I feel that I opened many new horizons in my work with the Breath Aware to go further with my clients and myself:
psychology identities is an ideal method to use with the work of breathing. Is a clear and simple concept that supports the work in our own process and in the processes of our customers on an emotional, and mental energy.
voice dialogue is to get to know and feel the different parts in us that is no longer necessary to identify with each of them, which allows us to separate ourselves from them and develop an ego aware that it is capable of making decisions and choices.
These two items were combined cleverly with the breathing, the healing of the past on a soul level, the spirituality and professionalism.
thank realize how necessary it is to enrich the source of other professionals for both my personal and professional process.
thank the organizing team for this event to follow his intuition when he connected with the idea of \u200b\u200bbringing aTilke y. ..........
Tilke: I appreciate your easy to convey your knowledge from the simplicity, humility, ease, showing you as you are at all times. Thank you for your laughter, your tears, your carota, your understanding, your naturalness.
I thank God that lead me to make them as wise as Tilke.



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