Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Warrior Racerback Pinnie

In the holidays on January 6 is the day dedicated to you. Well, actually begins on the fifth day with your great journey giving gifts, dreams, smiles and love ...... love.

for me is the most enjoyable holiday. It is the day I give vent to my Inner Child and I get in my house that is full of magic with your presence.

This morning, looking at your pictures - which these days have a special place in my living room - I began to reflect on your tradition and all what it entails.

closed my eyes and started going through my mind those Christmases of my childhood where it was more important to share with neighbors and friends how little or much they had to improvise a party, rejoice in the presence of family that came by surprise and enjoy the illusion of smaller ones. I remember it was important not spend ten hours in a mall looking for gifts, the wonder was to hear the murmur of a gentle breeze that announced the fresh Christmas. I still remember the shoe boxes in the neighborhood where we put little grass for the camels accompanied by a bowl of water.

My dear! I realize that, over the years, I have always asked for things for me and for others, but never, I never asked for anything for you and I have appreciated all that your presence has meant in my life.

With each year you start feeling magical, engaging to renew my enthusiasm for life and determined to feel that this year is the best of my life. For the first time, I feel that you "do not you put in the way he saw the star, but you saw the star because you had put you on the way" (John Chrysostom).

I thank you for such a great lesson and this year I ask

  • This tradition to welcome each January 5 will not go away ever on Planet Earth.
  • In every household you have in mind as our authentic tradition
  • you to continue being part of the magic of Christmas
  • love, hope, joy and innocence to which we are transported every year to be source of joy in your souls.
Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar, I thank you for continuing to star in the East. Together with you, I also feel strong enough to say that

  • will follow my star to know how to express myself from my authenticity
  • will follow my star to discover how to live today
  • my star will continue to feel how I'm going to give love to all my brothers, without exception

The more I follow my star, the easier it is to discover the essence of being who I am. So tonight I hope, accompany you so you enjoy the journey and look in the eyes of my brothers the hope that the Kings continue visiting each year.



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