Friday, January 7, 2011

Time Off Work For Leg Fasciotomy


First I want to thank you for your visits but especially for all the support I've received in the time when I needed them thanks for this, it is wonderful to know that you have so many people that even in distance always hug you with love and best wishes to all you in this coming year.

I want to show the threads that I prepare my family this year, the recipe is the same as last year and already on the blog, I've only done a few modifications had I added orange and tangerine juice, essence of tangerine zest and has been as rich if it was orange.
Here fermented and finished with an egg.

already decorated with the fruits I ate and used hawthorn and sweet guava and fig, pear in syrup to give it more colorful, and I've placed a few strips of something that in Mexico called cap shell (s a sweet bread, I think many will known).

If you want to make the top shell:

50 grs.
shortening the 5th gr.
icing sugar 50 grs.

flour Mix everything up perfectly integrated, it is very fast so it is not necessary to use blender can be done manually.

I have placed the strips from the top shell and I have painted with a little egg and I've sprinkled a little sugar normal, it has become very rich.

Bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius.

A slices, is very esponjosita and delicious.

Here is the link recipe here.

This is the image of the last year and will have changed a little decoration.


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