I wish you all a great 2011, which is full of blessings for you and your family, I will put all of me part to make this a great year both have waited an embrace with great affection for all. Well
to the recipe.
This is how I cook my cod, I hope you like it because I love it.
Ingredients: Cod
dry (salt) 1 small chopped tomato kg
6 pieces spicy tomato puree (presentation of 210 grs. Approx.)
onion, chopped 1 medium piece
garlic, minced 2 cloves
olive oil 1 / 4 cup chopped cooked potatoes
small 1 / 2 kilo
olives 1 cup capers 1 / 2 cup almonds
1 cup peeled and
few sprigs parsley
Chiles chopped white people (amount to taste optional) Salt
needed (only if you need)
Procedure: Soak
cod preferably 2 days in advance, but can be at least one day before changing water several times to remove salt after which it will crumble and set aside.
Sauté onion and garlic, add the chopped tomatoes and tomato puree, leaving a little seasoning, add olives, capers, potatoes, almonds and integrate very well.
Add cod and mix to incorporate chiles, leave the fire for 10 minutes (check if it lacks a bit of salt), finally add the parsley, ready to enjoy a delicious cod.
Well this is my way to prepare and is very rich indeed.
Sauté onion and garlic, add the chopped tomatoes and tomato puree, leaving a little seasoning, add olives, capers, potatoes, almonds and integrate very well.
Add cod and mix to incorporate chiles, leave the fire for 10 minutes (check if it lacks a bit of salt), finally add the parsley, ready to enjoy a delicious cod.
Well this is my way to prepare and is very rich indeed.

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