Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Civil Rights Song Arabic


When I saw this salad on the blog of my dear friend Gaby, Gaby Clove and Cinnamon, knew it would be a delight, so I decided to prepare my family for Christmas Eve and I really do not disappoint me is delicious, it was logical todoooooo what's on Gaby's blog is great, I've prepared some things about her and all are rich richer, and there I have a cake that will put them well below it and this woooooo buenisiiiiiiimo.

Gaby Here the link to an excellent step this Christmas macaroni salad.



3 medium red apples (I also have left with the skin as Gaby)
6 slices pineapple in syrup, cut into small triangles (tin) 240 mls of juice
the pineapple syrup
270 grs. leg ham, diced 1 small can

corn 30 grams. chopped walnuts (1 / 4 cup)
15 grs. sugar (1 1 / 2 tablespoon)
240 mls. of sour cream or plain yogurt (I used sour cream) 1 package macaroni
200 grams.
herbs to taste (thyme, marjoram and bay leaf)
3 grains allspice salt and pepper

lemon (for apple)


First let's cut the ham into cubes and put it to soaked with the syrup of pineapple for about an hour.

After this time we took him to fire along with the crushed pineapple and leave it there until it consumes all the syrup, stirring constantly until the pineapple and ham are light brown. Apart

boil the water in a saucepan with salt, grains of allspice, thyme, marjoram and bay leaf and when it boils add the pasta, leaving until al dente, remove and remove the herbs and the allspice, going through running water to prevent pasta from sticking and set aside.

Now we peel the apples and cut into cubes put them in a bowl with water and lemon juice to prevent browning.

In another mixing bowl let cream or yogurt as they are going to use, nuts, sugar, salt and pepper powder and mix well to incorporate. Apart

in a bowl, combine the pasta, let the pineapple with ham, canned corn, well drained apples, and add the cream mixture, integrate perfectly.

Bring to refrigerator before serving and garnish with whole nuts.

Deliciosaaaaaa, Gaby thanks to my family loved him.


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