This phrase is the day again day to my mind, in order to heal the constant criticism to which I took for decades.
One of the great benefits that brings me over time is that more years, I feel less inclined to make judgments about situations o personas y entro más en el espacio de la toma de conciencia y el poder de elección que todos poseemos. Sin embargo, mi lado oscuro siempre está ahí tentándome para que emita un juicio, haga una comparación o una crítica en aspectos que, cuando elijo contemplarlos desde el amor, me hacen sentir mi conexión con todo lo que me rodea.
El hábito de criticar, juzgar o comparar es algo que ha existido durante siglos, pero eso no significa que sea beneficioso para el ser humano. También han existido las guerras desde épocas remotas y tampoco benefician nuestra existencia.
If you apply this in my personal process, most of my childhood and adolescence was spent under the influence of criticism. Now I realize that, as I became an adult, I need to constantly criticize a conversation. Obviously the more critical, my life was worse. I was intoxicated! An in-depth statements and a strong will are doing their work of detoxification and my mind is increasingly recognizing that it is important to quickly accept the way I am and accept that every human being has its own experience and is free to choose what want to do with them.
I forgive myself for years I've been criticizing, comparing and judging. I apologize to all the people who criticized, judged and compared. I am willing to continue putting consciousness in the power I have to transmute all that gives me no peace. Universal Energy Thanks for giving me the opportunity to learn from my imperfections.!
"Can you imagine how wonderful it is to live your life knowing that nobody ever criticized you? Would not it be wonderful to feel completely at peace, totally at ease? You stand up in the morning and you'd know you were going to have a day portentous because everyone would love you and no one will criticize you or show contempt. I feel great. And, you know what? This, you can give it. You can have the experience to share with you the most amazing experiences imaginable. You wake up in the morning happy to meet you and spend a day in your company. "Louise Hay
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I love and accept myself as I | - Activities Agenda
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