Monday, January 24, 2011

Sound Blaster X-fi Mb2 Español

to make a judgment or criticism, I AM SENDING SOMETHING BACK END OF MY !!!!!!! DEAR

This phrase is the day again day to my mind, in order to heal the constant criticism to which I took for decades.
One of the great benefits that brings me over time is that more years, I feel less inclined to make judgments about situations o personas y entro más en el espacio de la toma de conciencia y el poder de elección que todos poseemos. Sin embargo, mi lado oscuro siempre está ahí tentándome para que emita un juicio, haga una comparación o  una crítica en aspectos que, cuando elijo contemplarlos desde el amor, me hacen sentir mi conexión con todo lo que me rodea.
El hábito de criticar, juzgar o comparar es algo que ha existido durante siglos, pero eso no significa que sea beneficioso para el ser humano. También han existido las guerras desde épocas remotas y tampoco benefician nuestra existencia. 
If you apply this in my personal process, most of my childhood and adolescence was spent under the influence of criticism. Now I realize that, as I became an adult, I need to constantly criticize a conversation. Obviously the more critical, my life was worse. I was intoxicated! An in-depth statements and a strong will are doing their work of detoxification and my mind is increasingly recognizing that it is important to quickly accept the way I am and accept that every human being has its own experience and is free to choose what want to do with them.
I forgive myself for years I've been criticizing, comparing and judging. I apologize to all the people who criticized, judged and compared. I am willing to continue putting consciousness in the power I have to transmute all that gives me no peace. Universal Energy Thanks for giving me the opportunity to learn from my imperfections.!
"Can you imagine how wonderful it is to live your life knowing that nobody ever criticized you? Would not it be wonderful to feel completely at peace, totally at ease? You stand up in the morning and you'd know you were going to have a day portentous because everyone would love you and no one will criticize you or show contempt. I feel great. And, you know what? This, you can give it. You can have the experience to share with you the most amazing experiences imaginable. You wake up in the morning happy to meet you and spend a day in your company. "Louise Hay
I love and accept myself as I - Activities Agenda

Monday, January 17, 2011

Why Do I Get A Sore Throat In The Evening

tlalpeno ( MY WAY)

Many thanks to all for the nice comments you always leave me, feed my blog not only my heart, a loving hug for everyone.

What better for cold weather lately has been felt in the City Mexico than for a rich hot broth and a broth if tlalpeño that delight, I invite you to try, this recipe is a mixture of several I have in my books, I am rich.


Ingredients 1 chicken breast

250 grs. chickpeas or garbanzo beans roasted tomatoes

3 1 / 2 chopped onion 1 clove garlic

chopped 250 grs.
250 grams of carrots. green beans (I think in other places are known as green beans, I leave a photo) 1 sprig epazote

dried chipotle chiles (if desired can be canned)

cilantro chopped avocado (avocado)


Here the picture of carrots and what is known in Mexico as green. We

to cook the breast and chickpeas until meat is tender, remove meat and shred book, we fire the broth with chickpeas for the completion of cooking.

Roast the tomatoes, the peel and chop into pieces.

Sauté garlic, onion and tomato, transfer this mixture to the blender and grind it, add this mixture to the broth which is chick peas (if you want you can sneak in, I do not do what I like) Add beans, chipotle peppers and cook for a bit, add the carrot and cook to tender, add the shredded chicken, epazote and boil for 5 minutes.

Serve hot.

accompany with chunks of avocado (avocado) and cilantro.

home is rich like a lot.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Time Off Work For Leg Fasciotomy


First I want to thank you for your visits but especially for all the support I've received in the time when I needed them thanks for this, it is wonderful to know that you have so many people that even in distance always hug you with love and best wishes to all you in this coming year.

I want to show the threads that I prepare my family this year, the recipe is the same as last year and already on the blog, I've only done a few modifications had I added orange and tangerine juice, essence of tangerine zest and has been as rich if it was orange.
Here fermented and finished with an egg.

already decorated with the fruits I ate and used hawthorn and sweet guava and fig, pear in syrup to give it more colorful, and I've placed a few strips of something that in Mexico called cap shell (s a sweet bread, I think many will known).

If you want to make the top shell:

50 grs.
shortening the 5th gr.
icing sugar 50 grs.

flour Mix everything up perfectly integrated, it is very fast so it is not necessary to use blender can be done manually.

I have placed the strips from the top shell and I have painted with a little egg and I've sprinkled a little sugar normal, it has become very rich.

Bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius.

A slices, is very esponjosita and delicious.

Here is the link recipe here.

This is the image of the last year and will have changed a little decoration.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Maxine Cartoons About Days Of The Week


This delicious bread I've taken the blog of a person that I have great admiration, I love your blog, apart from the delicious recipes that gives us, is a so warm and friendly atmosphere in which you feel so comfortable, I mean dear Blog Pilar of La Cocina de Lechuza, when you prepare at first I thought my husband would not like a lot, and he is not eating things very sweet and big mistake, I loved it, saw nothing coming and going to take the little balls, I really enjoy it all at home a lot this delicious, thank you Pilar is a very rich recipe, I prepared for Christmas Eve.

Here the link to your delicious recipe with excellent step by step.

I changed two things and was the amount of liquid that my batter was too runny me if you have added all the liquid, I guess that's the type of flour you use, but unfortunately in Mexico there is a great variety to choice is one or one and as I always use dry yeast and the day was very cold the increase a little of which should normally lead to better raise the dough.


Ingredients: 400 grs

flour 1 1 / 2 teaspoon salt 250 mls

warm milk 30 mls.
warm water 2 tablespoons sugar
100 grs. melted butter and cold
20 grs. dry yeast

For the batter:

100 grs. brown sugar (muscovado)
150 grs.
white sugar 80 grs. melted butter and 1 teaspoon cold
2 tablespoons chopped pecans (give it a delicious taste can put more)

For the glaze (I did not put)

2 tablespoons milk 150 gm. icing sugar


This dough is so pretty you do not need it in a blender or any other machine is very fast. In a bowl

going to mix milk and water (warm) and add the yeast, move to dissolve and let stand for several minutes. Apart

bolw formed by the flour, salt and sugar a volcano, and put the center of liquid yeast mixture and melted butter, and begin to integrate little by little when the dough takes a bit of consistency we had to our desk and continue kneading until dough is firm and our this smooth and elastic, about 8 minutes.

When you have consistency we will leave in a bowl greased and covered our left in a place away from drafts, until doubled in volume.

After the standing time we get the mass of the fret and put it on the desk and stretch it with your hands just helping us, is so soft that problem will not extend it, not crush it too and we cut into unequal portions.

We take bits and form small balls of different sizes, we are passing the ball in the melted butter and fry the batter ingredients. Let's mix

brown sugar (muscovado), white and cinnamon and with this mixture that we wallowing sugar are well covered.

The we putting in a well-greased ring mold with butter (I used one with antihadherente to prevent accidents and will stick).

Between each layer of balls are going to sprinkle some chopped walnuts and continue with another layer of balls, when we're done if we are left with cinnamon sugar mixture sprinkled on top.

Cover with plastic wrap and let it sit again to double volume.

Over time we rest in the oven, I bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 40 minutes. Pilar

advises us that if we see that it is browning too quickly cover ourselves as a sheet of aluminum foil, in my case it was necessary to stay perfect.

Cool slightly before removing from pan, not much else that will stick a little mold in the amount of sugar.

here when you remove it, my husband said I looked better on the other side so I turned around, you think?

The frosting I do not know what I have, because as I said my husband is not very sweet things and leave that way, but also should give a rich flavor.

If you want to prepare only have to mix the powdered sugar with milk and coat the bread. Pilar really

that this bread is delicious and not just at Christmas I think about the preparation, this is a bread that I assure will be followed on my table, thanks for sharing.

Warrior Racerback Pinnie

In the holidays on January 6 is the day dedicated to you. Well, actually begins on the fifth day with your great journey giving gifts, dreams, smiles and love ...... love.

for me is the most enjoyable holiday. It is the day I give vent to my Inner Child and I get in my house that is full of magic with your presence.

This morning, looking at your pictures - which these days have a special place in my living room - I began to reflect on your tradition and all what it entails.

closed my eyes and started going through my mind those Christmases of my childhood where it was more important to share with neighbors and friends how little or much they had to improvise a party, rejoice in the presence of family that came by surprise and enjoy the illusion of smaller ones. I remember it was important not spend ten hours in a mall looking for gifts, the wonder was to hear the murmur of a gentle breeze that announced the fresh Christmas. I still remember the shoe boxes in the neighborhood where we put little grass for the camels accompanied by a bowl of water.

My dear! I realize that, over the years, I have always asked for things for me and for others, but never, I never asked for anything for you and I have appreciated all that your presence has meant in my life.

With each year you start feeling magical, engaging to renew my enthusiasm for life and determined to feel that this year is the best of my life. For the first time, I feel that you "do not you put in the way he saw the star, but you saw the star because you had put you on the way" (John Chrysostom).

I thank you for such a great lesson and this year I ask

  • This tradition to welcome each January 5 will not go away ever on Planet Earth.
  • In every household you have in mind as our authentic tradition
  • you to continue being part of the magic of Christmas
  • love, hope, joy and innocence to which we are transported every year to be source of joy in your souls.
Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar, I thank you for continuing to star in the East. Together with you, I also feel strong enough to say that

  • will follow my star to know how to express myself from my authenticity
  • will follow my star to discover how to live today
  • my star will continue to feel how I'm going to give love to all my brothers, without exception

The more I follow my star, the easier it is to discover the essence of being who I am. So tonight I hope, accompany you so you enjoy the journey and look in the eyes of my brothers the hope that the Kings continue visiting each year.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Civil Rights Song Arabic


When I saw this salad on the blog of my dear friend Gaby, Gaby Clove and Cinnamon, knew it would be a delight, so I decided to prepare my family for Christmas Eve and I really do not disappoint me is delicious, it was logical todoooooo what's on Gaby's blog is great, I've prepared some things about her and all are rich richer, and there I have a cake that will put them well below it and this woooooo buenisiiiiiiimo.

Gaby Here the link to an excellent step this Christmas macaroni salad.



3 medium red apples (I also have left with the skin as Gaby)
6 slices pineapple in syrup, cut into small triangles (tin) 240 mls of juice
the pineapple syrup
270 grs. leg ham, diced 1 small can

corn 30 grams. chopped walnuts (1 / 4 cup)
15 grs. sugar (1 1 / 2 tablespoon)
240 mls. of sour cream or plain yogurt (I used sour cream) 1 package macaroni
200 grams.
herbs to taste (thyme, marjoram and bay leaf)
3 grains allspice salt and pepper

lemon (for apple)


First let's cut the ham into cubes and put it to soaked with the syrup of pineapple for about an hour.

After this time we took him to fire along with the crushed pineapple and leave it there until it consumes all the syrup, stirring constantly until the pineapple and ham are light brown. Apart

boil the water in a saucepan with salt, grains of allspice, thyme, marjoram and bay leaf and when it boils add the pasta, leaving until al dente, remove and remove the herbs and the allspice, going through running water to prevent pasta from sticking and set aside.

Now we peel the apples and cut into cubes put them in a bowl with water and lemon juice to prevent browning.

In another mixing bowl let cream or yogurt as they are going to use, nuts, sugar, salt and pepper powder and mix well to incorporate. Apart

in a bowl, combine the pasta, let the pineapple with ham, canned corn, well drained apples, and add the cream mixture, integrate perfectly.

Bring to refrigerator before serving and garnish with whole nuts.

Deliciosaaaaaa, Gaby thanks to my family loved him.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Gay Cruising In Spoleto


For me is not nothing out Christmas I'm putting some things that I have outstanding.

I wish you all a great 2011, which is full of blessings for you and your family, I will put all of me part to make this a great year both have waited an embrace with great affection for all. Well

to the recipe.

This is how I cook my cod, I hope you like it because I love it.


Ingredients: Cod

dry (salt) 1 small chopped tomato kg

6 pieces spicy tomato puree (presentation of 210 grs. Approx.)
onion, chopped 1 medium piece
garlic, minced 2 cloves
olive oil 1 / 4 cup chopped cooked potatoes
small 1 / 2 kilo

olives 1 cup capers 1 / 2 cup almonds
1 cup peeled and
few sprigs parsley
Chiles chopped white people (amount to taste optional) Salt
needed (only if you need)

Procedure: Soak

cod preferably 2 days in advance, but can be at least one day before changing water several times to remove salt after which it will crumble and set aside.

Sauté onion and garlic, add the chopped tomatoes and tomato puree, leaving a little seasoning, add olives, capers, potatoes, almonds and integrate very well.

Add cod and mix to incorporate chiles, leave the fire for 10 minutes (check if it lacks a bit of salt), finally add the parsley, ready to enjoy a delicious cod.

Well this is my way to prepare and is very rich indeed.