Saturday, April 9, 2011

Grown Men And Nocturnal Emmisions


Hello to all my friends, I'm here again, I'm better, I think my head is taking direction and my body is more quiet but not get out much to the street is not going to want to run calmita, I bring a recipe and especially rich quick, much like home.

OAT CAKES Ingredients: 300 grs

. natural rolled oats

enough milk 200 grams. of shredded cheese (in my case I have used panela cheese)
1 / 2 small onion chopped parsley

amount to taste 2 eggs approx. Salt to taste

tomato sauce to taste (can also be green sauce or that like)


Last night we put the oats in a bowl and added milk to cover leaflets, and left at rest, preferably in the refrigerator because it makes a tremendous heat and can damage the milk.

next day will see that the flakes are well hydrated.

In contrast we will place the parsley, onion and cheese and integrate very well.

add 2 eggs.

Finally oats previously hydrated.

Mix well, season with salt to taste and if you want to add a little chicken stock powder and mix well to bring this integrated.

In a pan with hot oil with a spoon we placed small portions of the mixture well and let fry turned around the other side.

The oil we get and let excess grease drain on absorbent paper.

The can serve in a tomato sauce, I did grind tomato, onion, garlic, and season with salt to taste, if you want a little spicy add 1 or 2 chiles when grinding the tomatoes as I did I my case, but can also serve a green or red sauce like the one I use with pancakes huazontles , that's to everyone's taste.

I hope you like them. Thank

lot all comments are what keeps me going with this blog, to spend a nice weekend, all my love.


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