OAT CAKES Ingredients: 300 grs
. natural rolled oats
enough milk 200 grams. of shredded cheese (in my case I have used panela cheese)
1 / 2 small onion chopped parsley
amount to taste 2 eggs approx. Salt to taste
tomato sauce to taste (can also be green sauce or that like)
Last night we put the oats in a bowl and added milk to cover leaflets, and left at rest, preferably in the refrigerator because it makes a tremendous heat and can damage the milk.

can serve in a tomato sauce, I did grind tomato, onion, garlic, and season with salt to taste, if you want a little spicy add 1 or 2 chiles when grinding the tomatoes as I did I my case, but can also serve a green or red sauce like the one I use with pancakes huazontles , that's to everyone's taste.
I hope you like them. Thank
lot all comments are what keeps me going with this blog, to spend a nice weekend, all my love.

I hope you like them. Thank
lot all comments are what keeps me going with this blog, to spend a nice weekend, all my love.
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