Friday, November 12, 2010

Hottest Adult Stars Women

I love my children, but this week has been so tired I do not know how wanted to arrive over the weekend to relax a bit (although I think when I have everyone at home is worse) but at least break lead and bring children out of school, or so worthwhile that I love them.

know the day of my birthday that my sister invited us to dinner at his house, feeling very uncomfortable not to come empty handed prepare this jelly is a favorite of my family except that it is very easy to prepare . FRUIT JELLY

water jelly 1 liter of water

35 grs. of gelatin powder
270 grs. sugar (refined)
1 / 4 teaspoon citric acid

Jelly Milk 1 liter of milk

30 grams. of gelatin powder
270 grs.
sugar 2 teaspoons of essence (I use cherry flavor)

1 can fruit cocktail (drained well)

Preparation: Gelatin


hydrate the gelatin in 1 / 2 cup cold water reserve.

In a bowl mix the sugar, citric acid and set aside. We

fire liter of water and when it boils add the sugar mixture with citric acid and move very well to dissolve, add the hydrated gelatin and again move to dissolve and let cool completely.

This gelatin has no essence and that citric acid and a variety of fruit bearing does not need to add any flavoring to it is more than enough.

Jelly Milk:

in half cup of milk put to hydrate the gelatin and
We reserve fire
milk and sugar to a boil and sugar is dissolved, add the gelatin previously hydrated and move up completely dissolved, let cool slightly and add the essence, we cool.

Since we have our gels we empty a small amount of water in gelatin mold of your choice and we cool to curdle just a bit to make a small base.
empty signature
When well drained fruit and add the remaining gelatin in water, we again refrigerate to firm.

Finally we empty the milk jelly (not to be hot, but mix the two gels), and refrigerate to completely curdle preferably overnight so that it firmly and at the moment demolding not break us.

stripped and ready enjoy a delicious fruit jelly, though in Mexico City at the temperature dropped a little rich to eat a slice of jelly, I hope you like it, loving greetings to all, thanks for your visits and nice comments, any doubt liked the answer.

Have a great weekend.


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