Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What Do I Need In My Jet Ski

Open Letter to my inner character called "impotence"

accompany me since I was begotten. There was not a single minute that you were not affecting my life there. Started small, tiny .... but every result obtained in your favor you'd doing great, great. We both grew up I came to perceive you as a giant invading my space. There were times that tried to drown even in dreams.

I have been feeding or rather cebándote for many decades. That's why I painted as a witch, old fat, huge, ugly, which was dedicated to its curtailment in all things that represent a benefit for me. As he was not aware that you were there, could you act at your leisure without anyone controlling ......

want to tell you impotence now it's over. I managed to clearly see and feel your presence and play and, although I know that you'll try again and again, I want you to know I'm ready to face plantarte every time you receive.

know that I have many tools to get reduce you and I'm not willing to follow me and hurting interponiéndote to keep me from receiving all the good the Universe has for me. You no longer need to feel recognized or approved, because I know they were requirements created by you.

helplessness I thank you for all the years you've been controlling my life. These years have been very hard but at the same time instructive. Do you know that all your disabilities have taught me anything? Yes, I have taught BE A resource person. That's your great teaching!

So I decide to choose ask whenever you feel your presence: what resources are available now to move beyond this sense of helplessness?

Thanks for that great lesson! From now I recognize as an internal character who walks with me, controlled by me, not vice versa.

To exit from a coma in which I imagine you are, I invite you to live with the part of me that decides to take full responsibility for the integrity of my life. That way both will learn to have the serenity to accept things we can not change.

Make contact with our inner power is to assume that is a full time job, for life and we can be educated by any person who crosses our daily lives, or things that can happen anywhere, anytime. This lesson on my feeling of helplessness I learned to observe my body while I gave what was supposed to be bad news. It was important then to remember that any negative situation is always something positive.

" life is wonderful for yourself if you CHOOSE see it."


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