Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Commercial Lease Models

Beginning and End of Day takeover

Time is an ally for many things, among them observe. Before I was surprised when he suggested to the people trying to relax five minutes to get up and five at bedtime and I had no time responding. Now just admit that when we are within the hurricane we have to wait to get away to watch its effects.


open eyes in the morning and feel how the body and mind stretching is gradually becoming aware of the new day ahead is a great gift that the only thing required is the intention to do so consciously.

Those five minutes are dedicated to observe may represent find the solution to a problem, have a new idea to generate the desired change or just spending a quiet day and thank life.

If at the end of the day is a count of simple and pleasant things that have happened throughout the day will see that we have many things to be thankful that most of the time we enter the hurricane by pure inertia, without questioning whether it's worth living in such turmoil that we suggest the politicians because, they say, if we do not get the U.S. economy will crash. What a contradiction!

"All human beings need, is found in nature including the response to our problems


to enjoy the day regardless of weather conditions, knowing that every problem has a solution, breathe deeply, relax y. ..... FEEL HAPPY!!


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