Friday, April 2, 2010

Just Past Pa Motorcycle Knowledge Test


Today I want to reopen this blog writing about what is to me the inauguration.

is a journey that started many years ago .... first unconsciously. Slowly the life was leading me through different pathways that most of the time I found them very rough because of the difficulties I had. "God" thought "Why does everything have to be so hard?". Now when I remember the times I asked myself that question, I realize that I was actually wondering what way I can do this more easily? I also remember he always had a response.

Life has given me all the time what I needed to get my present. The road was full of thorns, thanks to my sense of rebellion and independence, I came up with a way of peace and inner wisdom. Today

while meditating, I felt two tears running down my cheeks and I came THANKS word. I realized I was crying with joy. They started going through my mind difrentes situations that have happened over this week that once would have made me feel fear and insecurity, but I feel a lot ..... Peace Welfare and Peace. I know I'm in a time of change and that everything that is happening to me is because something better is coming for me and is making space for it.

to congratulate you on the path throughout all the years I've been becoming aware of my process. I congratulate you, because despite how difficult it has been all, I feel an enormous enthusiasm for life, which leads me to constantly invoke the ease and fluent in it.

For many years I felt guilty for not knowing how to do things much more easily and need forgiveness by:

  • Everything made me feel responsible for things that I belonged.

  • Living for many years I feel like a victim, thinking that others were responsible for my misfortunes.

  • For all the anger and resentment built up that prevented me from recognizing that he could get rid of these feelings through forgiveness.

  • For all the opportunities I had throughout my life and not know how to see.

From now and from this very moment I choose to recognize that:

  • I've always done things the best way I've known and I could.

  • lived
  • Everything becomes a background that helps me continuously on the journey of life.

  • I have the power to choose what I want, how I want it and when I want

  • My main choice is LIVING THE PRESENT MOMENT FROM LA PAZ, accepted as AM.

MAKING THIS IS MY POWER! Feel as I finished my college career at Life University and is now time from my inner wisdom to apply what they have learned and pass it, if there is someone who can and will draw on these words to make a difference in your life.

Those who think that this is not possible for everyone, I would say that there is only one thing that makes us different: the intensity we put into what we want.

" If you really want something from the heart, the whole universe conspires to make it happen." The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho "


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