Tuesday, April 27, 2010

New Baby Born For My Friend

Holy Innocents

Is there anything more beautiful than the innocent smile? That with which we are all born and then we learn to keep it in the deepest corner of our being to show it every once in a while. Most of the time I arises in situations where I find it impossible to keep to surface. I like to feel my spontaneous laughter, facial expression to something that surprises or amazes me, the feeling in my body when I Laugh of happiness because I'm doing something I love and most of all, I love to laugh when I see another human being HAPPY.

That does not mean that I'm always laughing, I have my moments too less happy and circumstances that invite me to reflect and say 'this too shall pass. " My innocent party has taught me that you can go from one emotion to another in seconds. We do constantly in our early life experiences. My children are my greatest teachers since birth. When they were babies and cried desperately, I learned to decipher the mystery of his application and the immediate change of expression when their need was met. Passed from tears to laughter with greater ease.

The biggest lesson I had, when in a very difficult time for everyone, just outlined smiles from time to time, until one day listening his adventures at school and how they solved, let out a laugh. They looked at me in astonishment and one of them told me "Mom, you're back to laugh!" That comment touched my heart. Suddenly I realized I was so absorbed in my problems that I did not realize that was the most important thing: those little people who loved me laugh.

I wonder why it took me well aware that being innocent in me? In my mind I come many responses from my heart I only come one, because to survive you had to bury him. Automatically comes the question how many adults we will have seen in the same situation and how many children we are forced to hide - not to lose - their innocence?

From here I would like to extend an invitation to people who read this article, I invite you to look within yourself that you have saved Innocence. I guarantee that when you leave, come back the smile and then laughter. You'll see quickly rejuvenate. Give yourself permission to feel your soul, your being naive, that you've taken so long in the depths of you. Leave begins to come to see life differently. We also invite you to support the laughter of our young and small, is a way of contributing to the future are physically and mentally healthy adults.

SMILE, YOU AND YOUR INNER environment will thank you. ALSO ...... THE WORLD!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Bench Salon Price List

Dance people dance

" Life is a dance in which we can choose the pace that we want to and with whom you want to share "

Dancing is my passion. Played small mount scenarios where I dance the Dance of Fire. ! I loved that give movement to music and let your imagination! Sometimes put the radio and no matter how it sounded, I danced. Luckily for me, I had no one to support that concern, instead it took a joke and laughed at my "inventions."

say p or lucky because, thanks to the lack care, my unconscious led me to be a constant observer of what happens when I dance or watch dance to a person.

I spent many years in the process of observing, feeling, receiving messages from the body as they moved or I moved to the rhythm of music. I was taking notes, looking into what my body and those of others passed me. All this to reach a conclusion: Life is a dance in which everyone has a rhythm and a proper motion.

From there, I felt totally identified with John Blacking, saying "dancing by men walking." He spent years living with the tribe the Venda to obtain scientific data that would allow it to expose his theory. I simply observe the body's response to children's music-even before birth. Their bodies respond to sound as if they knew of a lifetime. No question whether they do it right or wrong, do not keep track of whether they are observed or not. That comes after ..... when our mind begins to assimilate that we must belong to a group that is to please and if we get it, we must abide by a set of standards and move through life in a way that, in Most cases do not correspond to the innocent expression with which we come into this world and yes to patterns of previous generations received.

is where begins the dance of life.! Have you heard this music?:

  • When I dance I end up with pain in the neck and shoulders (I am responsible for many situations, though not mine)

  • I dance to touch me (I am always willing to please others)

  • not stand the music of percussion (which is what connects us with the sounds of the heart, with life)

  • Dancing with someone is boring, I prefer to go to my ball (I am afraid to privacy)

These are some of the phrases I hear when I suggest someone to dance. Little by little we are losing the rhythm of the hips when walking back lose that ease which keeps the graceful body, the softness of a light touch with his hands and let it strange to look in the eyes to feel what the other transmitted their eyes and their movement. We become indifferent to what the body asks us to let go and open the throat move without fear of being sensual, expressive, spontaneous, sad, happy, vital. Is what many Sometimes we repeat in our day to day ...... desirous of taking the time, listen, relax BUT slows us down this word called obligation and dance to it touches us, forgetting our own pace.

Dare to connect to your own movement, that which comes from the heart when you hear sounds that inspire you. If you're afraid to move around other play music at home and get carried away by your inspiration. Remember, ALL DANCING born knowing. Let your resume be wise what you know. I guarantee you is a great way to relieve the repression to spend on expansion.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What Do I Need In My Jet Ski

Open Letter to my inner character called "impotence"

accompany me since I was begotten. There was not a single minute that you were not affecting my life there. Started small, tiny .... but every result obtained in your favor you'd doing great, great. We both grew up I came to perceive you as a giant invading my space. There were times that tried to drown even in dreams.

I have been feeding or rather cebándote for many decades. That's why I painted as a witch, old fat, huge, ugly, which was dedicated to its curtailment in all things that represent a benefit for me. As he was not aware that you were there, could you act at your leisure without anyone controlling ......

want to tell you impotence now it's over. I managed to clearly see and feel your presence and play and, although I know that you'll try again and again, I want you to know I'm ready to face plantarte every time you receive.

know that I have many tools to get reduce you and I'm not willing to follow me and hurting interponiéndote to keep me from receiving all the good the Universe has for me. You no longer need to feel recognized or approved, because I know they were requirements created by you.

helplessness I thank you for all the years you've been controlling my life. These years have been very hard but at the same time instructive. Do you know that all your disabilities have taught me anything? Yes, I have taught BE A resource person. That's your great teaching!

So I decide to choose ask whenever you feel your presence: what resources are available now to move beyond this sense of helplessness?

Thanks for that great lesson! From now I recognize as an internal character who walks with me, controlled by me, not vice versa.

To exit from a coma in which I imagine you are, I invite you to live with the part of me that decides to take full responsibility for the integrity of my life. That way both will learn to have the serenity to accept things we can not change.

Make contact with our inner power is to assume that is a full time job, for life and we can be educated by any person who crosses our daily lives, or things that can happen anywhere, anytime. This lesson on my feeling of helplessness I learned to observe my body while I gave what was supposed to be bad news. It was important then to remember that any negative situation is always something positive.

" life is wonderful for yourself if you CHOOSE see it."

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Commercial Lease Models

Beginning and End of Day takeover

Time is an ally for many things, among them observe. Before I was surprised when he suggested to the people trying to relax five minutes to get up and five at bedtime and I had no time responding. Now just admit that when we are within the hurricane we have to wait to get away to watch its effects.


open eyes in the morning and feel how the body and mind stretching is gradually becoming aware of the new day ahead is a great gift that the only thing required is the intention to do so consciously.

Those five minutes are dedicated to observe may represent find the solution to a problem, have a new idea to generate the desired change or just spending a quiet day and thank life.

If at the end of the day is a count of simple and pleasant things that have happened throughout the day will see that we have many things to be thankful that most of the time we enter the hurricane by pure inertia, without questioning whether it's worth living in such turmoil that we suggest the politicians because, they say, if we do not get the U.S. economy will crash. What a contradiction!

"All human beings need, is found in nature including the response to our problems


to enjoy the day regardless of weather conditions, knowing that every problem has a solution, breathe deeply, relax y. ..... FEEL HAPPY!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Just Past Pa Motorcycle Knowledge Test


Today I want to reopen this blog writing about what is to me the inauguration.

is a journey that started many years ago .... first unconsciously. Slowly the life was leading me through different pathways that most of the time I found them very rough because of the difficulties I had. "God" thought "Why does everything have to be so hard?". Now when I remember the times I asked myself that question, I realize that I was actually wondering what way I can do this more easily? I also remember he always had a response.

Life has given me all the time what I needed to get my present. The road was full of thorns, thanks to my sense of rebellion and independence, I came up with a way of peace and inner wisdom. Today

while meditating, I felt two tears running down my cheeks and I came THANKS word. I realized I was crying with joy. They started going through my mind difrentes situations that have happened over this week that once would have made me feel fear and insecurity, but I feel a lot ..... Peace Welfare and Peace. I know I'm in a time of change and that everything that is happening to me is because something better is coming for me and is making space for it.

to congratulate you on the path throughout all the years I've been becoming aware of my process. I congratulate you, because despite how difficult it has been all, I feel an enormous enthusiasm for life, which leads me to constantly invoke the ease and fluent in it.

For many years I felt guilty for not knowing how to do things much more easily and need forgiveness by:

  • Everything made me feel responsible for things that I belonged.

  • Living for many years I feel like a victim, thinking that others were responsible for my misfortunes.

  • For all the anger and resentment built up that prevented me from recognizing that he could get rid of these feelings through forgiveness.

  • For all the opportunities I had throughout my life and not know how to see.

From now and from this very moment I choose to recognize that:

  • I've always done things the best way I've known and I could.

  • lived
  • Everything becomes a background that helps me continuously on the journey of life.

  • I have the power to choose what I want, how I want it and when I want

  • My main choice is LIVING THE PRESENT MOMENT FROM LA PAZ, accepted as AM.

MAKING THIS IS MY POWER! Feel as I finished my college career at Life University and is now time from my inner wisdom to apply what they have learned and pass it, if there is someone who can and will draw on these words to make a difference in your life.

Those who think that this is not possible for everyone, I would say that there is only one thing that makes us different: the intensity we put into what we want.

" If you really want something from the heart, the whole universe conspires to make it happen." The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho "