The Seventh Continent is a term that came into use since 1997 to refer to all the telematics space and cyberspace, about computers and the Internet. That is the new continent, which is handled by 12 or 12 machines of information servers, which belong to the U.S., one British, one Swedish and one Japanese. Also as interesting figure indicates that the global information network currently accessed only 10 percent of the world's population but more than half, but manages its language and knows the technical resources, but do not know how to take advantage and is allowed to manipulate the media.
is time to remember then that globalization is clearly present on the Internet and who we are not prepared to get good use and seek their contribution to humanity, we can easily fall into the alleged cultural domination imposed by the servers. Do not forget that in the new continent or the seventh continent, few countries have the power to handle a project of global hegemony.
is not isolated from the world and close our borders to technological progress but do not fall into the trap of misguided globalization at the level of the economy and other sectors, where power is concentrated in few countries.
Internet is a good alternative to achieve our development and growth but do not forget what happens to the great mass media: The information flow is still imposed in a north-south and forget our realities.
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