Secondly, the representation of society itself is not enough to set up your identity. It is necessary and often in contradictory ways, to integrate this representation with the idea that others, ie, members of other cultural groups, are made of that identity. A near it, the Intergovernmental Conference on Cultural Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean held in Bogota, claimed that cultural identity is "the basis of peoples", springs are your past and your future projects, so that is never static but a historic and designed in the future, to always be up to improvement and renewal.
The other term is "acculturation." The closest definition has to do with the resulting set of groups of individuals from different cultures come into continuous and direct contact. They are also the changes that occur in the original cultural patterns of one or both groups. The result is almost never a complete change in the cultural pattern above.
http://www.disaster-info.net/desplazados/informes/rut / 10/default.htm
On resilience: http://www.cecnews.org.ar/newsletter/03_resilencia.htm
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