this geneticist no reason for us to continue thinking that the origin of everything in this country are the genes. It argues that what we have here is social domination of some over others. "History has made us violent," he says. For him there is
genes white, black or yellow, either corrupt or violent. All are at home we have built since the arrival of the English. Unfortunately
genes white, black or yellow, either corrupt or violent. All are at home we have built since the arrival of the English. Unfortunately
in our country developed regions such as sub-cultures to become what we call cultural intermarriages, meaning that we look at ourselves. Do not look outside, other, other regions are outsiders, are strangers, their world view is not important to us.
Another reason for us to be so, is the lack of means to communicate to the regions. There are highways and roads that link the capitals sparingly. Rather we are a country interconnected by newspapers, radio, television and airlines.
With these reasons justifies the violence in Colombia sits widely through the media, but someone tell the truth Huila feels neither knows of violence in Cali, nor is there a collective consciousness to accommodate principles of justice, combat corruption and to support the constitution.
With these reasons justifies the violence in Colombia sits widely through the media, but someone tell the truth Huila feels neither knows of violence in Cali, nor is there a collective consciousness to accommodate principles of justice, combat corruption and to support the constitution.
finally scored in this review of the book: why are we so? What it says Emilio Yunis, we are always looking for a Messiah, a savior and as the God-like abandon it. In this country anyone launches an idea, the media will echo and start dancing to the country out of underdevelopment eso.Para offers a true integration of the regions, not paper as at present.
Image Source: http://www.universia.net.co/images/stories/articulos_especiales/galeria_articulos/yunis_emilio_1.jpg
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