Television is an intruder who appears in our room quietly in the courtroom and in public places. In short, this is part of the contemporary world. These latter observations are typical of a review that we have been hearing for a long time and make assumptions every day knowing the environment. Fortunately
in some sectors of the Colombian population are emerging trends and to enter really know the scope of television, as proposed, José Manuel Pérez, the book "The Educational Challenge television ", which constitutes the basic text for students of social communication and all communications professional.
Traditional theories placed in front of the TV to a passive spectator. This is the first mistake that we committed, not realizing that this is television we see mechanical and routine and order of the senses, we are active. The new wave seeks to raise awareness in society about the need to know television. Accept that from school, college and even more from home, never prepares active viewers, despite this mass medium in many cases replaced the family and school.
Recall that an active viewer is achieved to the extent of their participation in various fields. First as a spectator you have the freedom to choose, as an interpreter of the messages being critical and aware, as a user of television rights and finally requiring participating and demanding on TV you want.
Image Source: http://www.lacoctelera.com/myfiles/masquetv/tv.jpg