For if it could not be otherwise, a new computer I am more than happy with the gift, girl look with a new toy now I can go when I want and I can clear after fulfilling all my obligations but do not work and I am home I swear that I can not in all day has given me the past weekend alone I've been setting up, loading programs and storing all the files that luckily I had backed up on disks and USB sticks, but unless I'm missing, I also want to thank a lot to my children who have behaved very well and I have given your computer for even more spacing to visit my virtual friends, but I would have gone crazy lol. Well
to the recipe, you know that bread is super buenisimo fluffy and delicious, I learned in a course that takes time ago muchisiiiimo not if your name is correct or if they write to me so I got it.

Ingredients: 250 grs
. wheat flour (can use half comprehensive and integrated them)
20 grs.
sugar 50 grs.
5 g butter.
4 g salt. dry yeast (1 heaping teaspoon)
100 mls. warm fluid milk FILLING
to taste (I put)
Ham Cheese Oaxaca (or one that is based)
mayonnaise sauce
I normally do most of my hand well mass I did it: Being a source
with flour and place the center salt, sugar and yeast placed outside source to avoid direct contact with salt, gradually add milk and begin to integrate and knead until a dough consistency soft, smooth should not be dry.
Add butter and knead again until it is firm again, put in a bowl greased and leave to double volume or at least 45 minutes. Form the loaves
taking lots and with the same hands go bar shaping, this dough is so soft that one is spreading but if you can use a roller or rolling pin to stretch it, mix mayonnaise and place on top and varnish catsu the ham and cheese and roll up, place in greased or waxed paper and let rest again for 30 minutes with egg glaze before baking.
can sprinkle with sesame seeds if desired or leave them all alone, bake at 180 degrees C for 15 or 20 minutes to check cooking.
I normally do most of my hand well mass I did it: Being a source
with flour and place the center salt, sugar and yeast placed outside source to avoid direct contact with salt, gradually add milk and begin to integrate and knead until a dough consistency soft, smooth should not be dry.
Add butter and knead again until it is firm again, put in a bowl greased and leave to double volume or at least 45 minutes. Form the loaves
taking lots and with the same hands go bar shaping, this dough is so soft that one is spreading but if you can use a roller or rolling pin to stretch it, mix mayonnaise and place on top and varnish catsu the ham and cheese and roll up, place in greased or waxed paper and let rest again for 30 minutes with egg glaze before baking.
can sprinkle with sesame seeds if desired or leave them all alone, bake at 180 degrees C for 15 or 20 minutes to check cooking.

A view of the landfill, we really are real good to my family loves long ago that they were not prepared and not remembered them.
I want to thank all my visitors do not say cute names not to forget anyone, but really I appreciate your visits a lot despite my absences are always present in this simple blog, thank you all for giving me a little of your time come and visit me always, I leave an embrace with great affection.
Thank you so much for this gift husband you know how important it is for me, you're a great person not only for the gift lol, but it helps lol.
Kisses to all be visiting.
I want to thank all my visitors do not say cute names not to forget anyone, but really I appreciate your visits a lot despite my absences are always present in this simple blog, thank you all for giving me a little of your time come and visit me always, I leave an embrace with great affection.
Thank you so much for this gift husband you know how important it is for me, you're a great person not only for the gift lol, but it helps lol.
Kisses to all be visiting.
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