Monday, July 26, 2010

Replacing Rear Speakers On 2001 Grand Am

a scant 24 hours ago celebrated my birthday. I started the day with congratulations full of humor and joy, which I felt that this was how I wanted to enjoy the day y. .... my wish was fulfilled. I quietly thanked all things beautiful and less beautiful places I have lived over the years. I went to see a beautiful movie and stayed in a quiet space.

This morning I received a greeting from someone very close to me: "You were born at a time in Puerto Rico which many things happen: we celebrate the constitution, which for some is the birth of the Commonwealth, for others the date of the American invasion (good for some, bad for others) and ... for others it is the massacre at the Cerro Maravillas. So you can imagine as they are the spirits! This year, the games also have American and Caribbean Center. Here you'd had your big meet since there are fun everywhere! "

You forgot to mention the Fiesta de Loiza Aldea, Festival of Vegigantes and big heads, the bomba and plena (traditional dances from the area) where the mixture of pagan and religious in a folklore rich in colors and rhythms.

Be The words of this led me to miss my mind the different stages and events that had left marks and deep wounds in my life. It was at that moment I felt like repose, relax and meditate. That was my first gift of the day, a phrase that resounded throughout my body has become precious rocks! I realized all the changes and choices I had in my life and how I have brought peace and tranquility I feel at this time.

So today I choose to start a new decade and a new period full of pleasant feelings, wonderful people and many things to learn and discover. Today I choose to feel that my life is full of gems because I learned to polish the rocks.



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