Wednesday, June 23, 2010
View Marilyn Chambers Behind The Green Door
Yes, and I am very proud to have her. When in quiet moments make my mental list of thanks she is always present. I know since I have use of reason and its image is always in my memories of childhood and of all family members. It is impossible
physically see every day, so when I return to my roots and embrace, the first thing I say is that I love. Small and never told her to me either. However, we both knew that there was a great mutual love.
been a long time ...... and I have still very fresh in memory his voice when he sang while washing piles of clothes by hand, preparing dinner for a dozen people (sometimes more), cleaned the house and was awaiting me.
With my mind she looked like she was always gentle with others pending, took care of those who were sick, solve problems that my eyes were impossible to resolve and was always willing to listen. If you had to draw attention from the reasoning did, ever since the imposition. Today, with my adult eyes, I realize I never did have to go to college or get a degree in psychology, nor did he need to shout to impose their will. Instead, we all feel a deep respect for him and for his words.
In five moons that Angel is 100 wonderful years and look at the sky every night to ask the stars that the day of his birthday, shining with full force to illuminate the time when our beloved Angel is made many years ago.
In my heart is always crystal clear voice to let out the lyrics ...... a happy sometimes sometimes sad. In my mind, his smile, his zest for life, his enthusiasm for life, despite the blows struck.
When I see her, I am still amazed and excited to see their eyes light up when they see me and the effort made to hide his sadness when I leave. I recognize that it is much stronger than me, knows hold her tears.
My dear Angel,
Thanks for being in my life
Thanks for being with us
Thank you for caring, for loving
Thank you for everything you taught me
Thank you for raising and caring for your children and those who were not your children but they needed a mother,
Thank you for caring for those who were your grandchildren and to which we were not but we needed a Grandmother
Thank you for being present at the birth of your grandchildren
Thanks for smiling proudly say "I have grandchildren!"
above y. ........ Please the unconditional love you have given us a tod @ s
And you, you have in your family an angel who is about to celebrate a century? If the answer is yes, CONGRATULATIONS! You have about a Being full of wisdom, an Angel.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Time Table Chart 100x100
When I heard this phrase for the first time I understood nothing, like so many other things I heard in my life ....
Little by little I learned that you do not understand what is important to leave to settle, admit that you do not understand and observe how the body resonates. Put another way, how often you hear those words "do not understand? and how physical reactions to them? In my case, I recognize that cost me understand the process. My mind would say, is what we have always done it, why do you have to question you now if it's OK to get angry or not? It was a long way! In my life had been a constant annoyance to survive to my lack of feeling and hearing protection we need as children.
I always wonder why do you have so much fear of that emotion called anger, rage, anger, anger (add the name you want).
why our children our elderly are so hard to afford at least say that we are angry and why are we?
what is the emotional fear that tells us to express this emotion is not good when we Niñ @ sy our supporters to swallow us?
process in our life we \u200b\u200bhave a spiritual guide called Intuition. I let myself go all the time so I directed. She led me to the right people at the right time so he could unlock those parts of my body where they had recorded the "shut up" "Do not scream," Do not cry, "not express", "little ones have to be silent and obey."
There were sessions where I was completely hoarse after expressing that memory so much pain and I had been repressed, sometimes I was like I'd been beaten once y. .. felt an intense burning in the chest, like when you throw alcohol on an open wound. The more could Identifier and develop my repressed anger, the more I felt that my body was fixed and the words were calm and acceptance to be important in my mind and in my vocabulary.
Every work I did helped me understand that most of my anger as an adult are merely the reflection of those annoyances that for whatever reason stayed embedded in my body and mind. And emotional body work together with a good dose of forgiveness were my colleagues to realize that anger or anger is an emotion like any other. If we accept it as such, we also see that there are many ways to channel it without attacking anyone. When I talk of allowing the expression of anger in the infant stage, I'm not saying at all that we must support the aggressiveness or manipulation. I am referring to support the Niñ @ to recognize their anger, listen to their reasons and teach simple ways to channel it. This how we are contributing to the world, emotionally centered adults.
Finally, remember that every negative situation always has something positive leads me again to thank my repressed anger giving me the opportunity to develop so that in my present moment, feel peace, comfort, and is capable of listening and put myself in the other. Only upon reaching this state is when in my workshops I have been able to accompany other adults to recognize that behind the anger is a more hidden away which, while not identified, preventing us from expressing pain and sadness that is manifested in body blocks and situations that are repeated daily without, apparently, have intervened to occur.
Thanks for supporting me angry to connect with my inner self where there is only peace!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Letter To First Time Guests
Bottomless Women Posers
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Bulma E Goku Doujinshi
Pressure Pump Diagram

Four elderly have to cross a bridge, which supports the passage of two, many with a flashlight and have to return her to the other, if one takes 10 min.
In crossing, 2 takes 5 minutes, 3 takes 2 minutes and 4 takes 1 minutes what it takes less time to cross?
Posted by: Noelia Grau, Maria Pacheco and Maria Gomez
Boerewors In A Frying Pan

sums quarter lag time from noon till now to half the time trascurrira from now until noon tomorrow you will have the exact time, what time is it?
Posted by: Noee Grau, Maria Pacheco and Maria Gomez
Source: # more-370
Image Source:
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Flu Like Symptoms Quit Smokeing
A jeweler
When you repair the budget estimates that the jeweler has to weld four links at a price Euro each series of four Euros, but the client disagrees and tells how to do welding only three links.
How did he?
Nacho and Carlos.
Source: I'm sorry
Breast Sizes Compilation
How many animals I have in my farm, if they are all dogs except two, all cats are but two horses and they are all but two? Nacho and Carlos
Sample Of The Letter To Franchisee
A milkman has a 8 liter jug \u200b\u200bfull of milk, and two more than 5 and 3 liters. A customer asks
exactly 4 liters.
How can calculate the four liters and give them the 5 liter jug?
Made by: María.Sánchez and Cristina.Ruiz
Letter Inviting A Celebrity To An Event
Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute
A English in 1987 telephoned another who was at 1,986, and said
- Tomorrow I'll phone you back.
- Agreed. Tomorrow!
Could be somewhat paradoxical situation in real life?.
By: Nuria and Marina
Coleman Margarita Bucket
Can You Bust Herpes Bumps
A ballooning enthusiast who weighs eighty kilos has a helium balloon capable of sustaining a net charge of one hundred kilos. It also has a string of three hundred meters weighs sixty kilos. To navigate to a height of fifty feet above ground level.
How do you get?
By Nacho and Carlos
Spin Bike Cleats Look
The caterpillar thinks that she and the lizard are crazy . If you think the sane is always true and believes the fool is always false, is the lizard is sane?
By: Nuria, Maria. G and Marina
How To Remove Automotive Grease From Carpet
Holt Renfrew Earrings 2011
Coca Cola Old Metal Cooler

Ana y Jose Luis went to see the Zoo. Curiously, in one of the ducks were mixed with turtles. When leaving the Zoo, Ana told José Luis:
- Hey, José Luis, have you noticed the ducks and turtles were there?
- Pues no. ¿Cuántos había?
- Pues averígualo tú mismo. En total había 56 ojos y 80 patas (de las de andar, no hembras de pato).
Por si no se te ocurre nada, te podemos decir que José Luis encontró la solución al darse cuenta de que cada animal tiene dos ojos.
Fuente: Colección propia.
Keshyog Product Reviews

Progeria (del griego geras , "vejez") es una enfermedad genética de la infancia extremely rare, characterized by a sudden and premature aging. Is estimated to affect one in 8 million newborns. Progeria can affect different organs and tissues: bone, muscle, skin, subcutaneous tissue and vessels.
The most severe form of the disease is called Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome, named in honor of Jonathan Hutchinson, who first described it in 1886 and Hastings Gilford who did different studies on its development and characteristics in 1904.Clinical
- Low height
- dry and wrinkled skin
- premature baldness
- Canas childhood
- Eyes Skull
- prominent large
- cranial veins protruding
- No eyebrows and eyelashes
- large nose and a beak
- retracted
- Chin Heart problems
- narrow chest, with ribs marked
- Tips Thin and skeletal
- Narrowing of coronary arteries
- large and stiff joints
- spots on the skin similar to those of old age on the wrong metabolism of melanin
- Presence degenerative diseases like arthritis , typical of old age
- natural death by age 13.
What Is Mean By Dull Heart
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Romulus and Remus are two twins who go to school by bus, as it is ten times faster than them. Living on the street where there are two stops in the same bus line and, though living together, Romulus always goes to the bus stop north, which is the closest, and Remus does at one time to stop south on the same direction as the bus. Interestingly always come to school on the bus. Romulus If it costs nine minutes to reach to stop
Remo How long does to get to yours?
By Nacho and Carlos