Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Old School Curtain Stretchers

I've often heard or read that there are two types of fear: fear needed to be alert to physical danger and emotional fear. The former is easily identified, the second not so much.

These days my body has been warning of their need to stop, stop. As was the thought that had commitments to fulfill, has come a time when my body has taken action through the pain and fatigue.

creating me I needed this excuse to stay quietly at home and dedicate a space to go inward no matter the time he was quiet, with that feeling of not doing "nothing." What facility is to trick my mind trying to convince that if I do not do nothing!

From that stillness I realized that in a very subtle way, fear has been performing at home to not be able to see these false threats that the only thing they achieve is to stop my freedom of flight. From the quiet

an exercise that I think is very healthy to do every so often: a list of fears. This time was not very long but is highly articulate, the last sentence I wrote was: fear of being followed by fear are paralyzed!

That phrase rang me immediately as I realized that there was the notice. The I is continuously moving or doing things that is not synonymous with going on right direction. Nor am I used to go to the other end - leaving the suspension at any price.

Today I take refuge in silence and stillness around me, in the sun that enlightens me on what feeds me and gives me inner strength to devote to transform my fears into allies. I choose to dedicate this day to rearrange my view the present circumstances, to recover the fluidity and ease that is always in my life and often unrecognized.

Thanks again fear for giving me the opportunity to feel that whenever I have the power to decide if I want to see the glass half full or half empty.

"Change scares, but where there is fear there is power. If we grow our not let fear stop us, fear becomes our ally, in a sign that tells us something that we found can be transformed. Often our real strength lies not in what represents the familiar, comfortable or positive, but in our fear and our resistance to change. "
Starhawk - "Dreaming of the Dark"


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